A pre-move garage sale is one of the best ways to get rid of unneeded items. It also helps you make some extra money before you move. Besides decluttering your home and having some extra cash, there is another benefit of organizing a garage sale. By having fewer items to move, your moving bill will be lower too. If you’re about to have a sale, for sure you’ll want it to be a successful one. That’s why we prepared an easy guide for you. Read on to find simple tips for a successful pre-move garage sale.

Sort out your household items

To start with, go through the entire household. Sort out your things going through one room at a time. Make sure you declutter rooms with high traffic and areas of your home that don’t get much traffic. Every single item you find should go into one of the three piles: toss, donate or sell. The “sell” pile will be what you’re selling at your garage sale. Make sure you stay diligent through the decluttering stage. If you’re not sure you can leave things behind, ask a friend to help you out to make the process easier. Resist the urge to hold onto things that serve no purpose and are not appealing to you. There’s no reason why you should bring broken or unloved items to your new home.

Inventory list

Once you have separated all unwanted items that you’ll be selling, go ahead and inventory those belongings. The inventory list is helpful for many reasons. You’ll keep track of your sales, add details regarding each item, and see exactly what you have for sale. There are various free apps for your phone that will make inventory a piece of cake. Alternatively, use pen and paper and simply write down each item you want to include in your pre-move garage sale.

Inventory List

Keep it tidy

Making a nice display is another tip for a successful pre-move garage sale. Keep your items nice and tidy so it’s easy for potential buyers to browse around and see what they like. You could organize your things by price, style, purpose, or anything else to group them together. Check each item’s condition before you display it and make sure it’s cleaned properly before it’s put up for sale. Also, leave enough space for people to walk around and don’t make the display or event too crowded.

Price list

Another list you must create has to do with pricing. After you’ve created an inventory and you have each item included, you must decide on their price tags. For now, add a price in a description to each thing you’re selling.

Fair prices

This is one of the most important tips for a successful pre-move garage sale. Your prices should be affordable if you want to sell as much as possible. Remember that your main goal is to get rid of unwanted items – nobody makes a fortune from holding a sale in their yard. So price tags should be affordable and fair.

Offer a deal

Your garage sale is a perfect place to have some fun and put your bargaining skills to the test. Although you’re offering fair prices that don’t mean you shouldn’t lower the price if a buyer is interested. The main reason why people attend garage sales is to find cheap stuff so be flexible and don’t be afraid to sell for less if an opportunity presents itself.

Joined sales

Instead of organizing a sale alone, go ahead and encourage other people to participate. Check with your friends, neighbors, and family members if they have items to get rid of. Chances are they do. You’ll have more things to sell and more people to attend so you’re bound to have a successful event.

People Are Shaking Each Others' Hands

Check for permits

While organizing a sale before you move, check if you need to get a permit. Local regulations may put some restrictions on your event or require special permits so take care of this matter in advance. You want to avoid unnecessary fees while you’re selling your goods and you’ll avoid that by staying compliant with requirements.

Sell early

Evening and end-of-the-month sales are generally less successful than early events. If possible, organize a sale to happen in the first week of the month. You should start early in the morning to get more daylight and more hours for people to browse. Keep in mind that some people will drive to get to your sale so ensure there are enough parking spaces for everyone.

Advertise your sale

Advertising is often the key to a successful event. The same applies to your garage sale so make sure you let everyone know that your event is about to happen. Luckily, advertising is easier than ever with so many social media platforms. Post about your sale on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, etc. Of course, word-of-mouth is always helpful. You can also print out flyers and include the time, date, and location of the sale.

A Social Media And Internet Advertising Concept

Extra touches

Eventually, adding that extra touch can make all the difference. Put some effort into making your sale more welcoming and make it as nice as possible. Put some music on, add some refreshments or snacks, or add anything else you think will make your potential buyers feel more comfortable. Make sure you greet each person attending your event. Those extra touches will take a little bit of your time but will make a much more pleasant experience for your shoppers.


Hopefully, these simple tips will help you have a successful and well-attended pre-move garage sale. By following this easy guide, you’ll declutter your home and have some extra funds. While you’re getting rid of unwanted clutter, why don’t you contact your local NJ moving services and see how much relocation would cost you? Call a few local moving New Jersey services and get moving quotes. So, feel free to reach out to Century Moving Services. Our in-house and online estimates are complimentary so make sure you contact us and request your free moving quote today.